We have been so busy the past month that it's about time a catch up on the twins. Mason had a little hernia surgery in August which he did amazing. He is FINALLY sleeping through most of the night. He has been rolling over for about 3 weeks and wants to crawl so bad but just can't do it. He loves about all vegetables and fruits but carrots and sweet potatoes do not agree with his little acid belly. Madison is doing great! She also loves vegetables and fruits. She still is feisty! But seems to smile a little bit more each day. She also loves to roll over but has no desire to crawl. They have new but used toys that they absolutly LOVE. Mason's is the activity center and Maddie's is the jumping swing. When she gets her little legs going it is so darn cute. We just found out that our final adoption is Monday and are so excited we can hardly stand it. Nothing new with me and BJ. We just got done with softball (wish we were still playing though) and are looking forward to co-ed volleyball. Thanks to everyone for their love and support. We have the best family and friends ever!!!