Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Weekend Fun!!

We had a fun weekend with all my family coming down to celebrate me and my dads birthdays.
Cam and Melissa brought their Wii and Guitar Hero, so needless to say we played that all weekend. The girls crafted on Saturday, while BJ, Ryan and Preston went goose hunting and my dad, Cam and Ben went target shooting. We had a great birthday dinner on Sunday. Thanks to all my family for making last weekend a blast!! We love you guys.


tHe tHaYeRs said...

We had a blast too sorry to hear you got sick...That's what you get from lovin' on Roo! Thanks for everything!

Jamie said...

Looks like you had fun, I love guitar hero!

MiStY said...

Hey Ang!!!! How are things? I so want to get a Wii. I keep trying to get Ryan to get me one. It looks like you guys had so much fun.

tHe tHaYeRs said...

So I just saw the pictures for some reason they didn't show up on my end till now. I look like a stinkin' retard. Thanks for posting one of me very first!!!